An innovative drug against prostate cancer

An innovative drug against prostate cancer: Another advance in prostate cancer treatment followed Roychoudhury’s inspiration. Show baby boomers how to proactively respond to serious diagnoses and how to develop ways to deal with them.

A positive method of a personal search for therapy on the Internet

In 2004, Roychoudhury diagnosed that baby boomers were refusing to listen. Roychoudhury's first technique was to use the information he wanted on the Internet and expel unwanted visitors from his body.

When his urologist recommended the general procedure, he decided he didn't want the side effects of incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

An innovative drug against prostate cancer

His web search technology uses small data that is detected by LRPS. Roychowdhury discovered that radical laparoscopic prostatectomy was a complex microsurgical procedure. What most impresses these children is the faster recovery of the patient than with other traditional methods. In fact, it significantly reduces the risk of incontinence and impotence.

Please don't give up

Here, Roychoudhury became an active researcher in the field of prostate cancer intervention.

As a result of "exploring him" he found two more. He found the perfect doctor who lived less than 30 minutes from his house in Jaipur.

The second breakthrough is an advanced LRPS treatment system developed by doctors. It uses robotics to achieve surgical-grade precision.

Roychoudhury was hospitalized but released the next day and made a full recovery within four weeks.

This prostate cancer treatment is designed for his health. Roychowdhury relies on personal research to help you find the best medicine online using the latest technology from leading urologists.


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